Stay up to date with FoSBE. Read our Press Releases below to learn more about the opening of our exhibit as well as past events that have taken place. You can view our media coverage below.
Press Releases
Future Exhibit Showcases
"Filipinos of South Bay"
January, 2022
Excitement is Building For
"Filipinos of South Bay Exhibit"
at Saturday, June 25 Event
June 25, 2022
"Filipinos of South Bay Exhibit"
Grand Opening on Sunday, October 3
Exhibit Opens October 2, 2022 through December 2024.
Media Coverage
Filipinos of South Bay exhibit celebrates heritage and culture of community
San Diego Union Tribune
Interview of Anamaria Labao Cabato, co-chair of the Filipinos of South Bay Exhibit and PASACAT Executive Director

Around San Diego
Fox 5
Xavier the X-man attended the Opening of FOSBE and videod parts of the days programming. He aired clips of the festivities and recommended everyone to see the exhbit during Filipino American History Month.
Filipino Artists of South Bay Exhibit opens
Incorporated with the Filipinos of South Bay Exhibit, Filipino artists of South Bay had work exhibited in the Chula Vista Library.
Schedule A Tour
Schedule a tour today to learn more about Filipino and Filipino American history in South Bay.